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Random Trend: Paint Dipped Spoons

Sometimes you spot a trend which is so random you're not sure where it came from or why.

The current random trend topping the charts is dipped spoons... I've been seeing these funny little things pretty much everywhere and in all different styles.

Here are a selection of images from Pinterest to illustrate:

Did Elle Deco start it with this Fired Earth paint piece?

Do you want to DIY it?



Or just look at lots of them?

Disposable ones...

Chocolate ones...

White ones...

Patterned ones...

Fashionably dip-dyed ones...

Ones with faces...

Pretty pastel ones (styled by Rebecca Newport and spotted on Decor8)

Neon ones... (DIY from

Chalkboard painted spoons
Or even chalkboard ones...

As you can see this random trend has really taken root - there are dipped spoons in every town and city around it seems! Do you know where it came from? If you do then let us know in the comments!

After looking at all these pretty pictures I'm even tempted to get painting and dipping myself...

Date: 08 Aug 2012 16:40
Author: Becky
Tags: home accessories interior design

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