Interview with... COADG
Over the coming months I will be speaking to some of the lovely people involved in the world of interiors - bloggers, photographers, stylists, designers, journalists and more - to find out what makes them tick. I think it's always fun to hear inspirations and insights from successful, interesting people. I hope you do too!
For my first subject I chose Katie Treggiden, the author of one of my favourite blogs: Confessions of a Design Geek.

I had the pleasure of meeting Katie last year at the London Design Festival. She's super friendly and fun and our conversation about our teenage-design-nerd selves sparked the idea to start this interview series.
So thank you Katie, for being the charming subject of my first interview, and for the inspiration too!

After you've read the interview I heartily recommend taking a gander through the COADG blog. There is a great archive full of interesting stuff and there's exciting new finds posted up weekly.
Enjoy the interview!
First up, can you introduce your work for anyone who isn’t aware of it?
I write a design blog called confessions of a design geek (, I've published a limited edition book called Interviews ( and I'm also a freelance design writer, writing for the likes of Design Milk, We Heart, Living Etc, Ideal Home, 25 Beautiful Homes, the London Design Guide etc.
Who are your design heroes & why?
Wim Crouwel because he believed the design shouldn't get in the way of the message, and that approach has really influenced the way I write. All of the architects involved with Maggie's, because the Centres they design for people with cancer and their families and friends are driven by such empathy and insight, it makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. Charles and Ray Eames because of their belief in "the best for the most for the least." All the enthusiastic design students and grads I meet whose belief that anything is possible is infectious!
Maggie's Centre in Nottingham
Tell us one of your earliest design memories.
I went to an exhibition at the V&A about Modernism in 2006 - I didn't realise it at the time, but it changed my life. It kick started my obsession with design, which led to a career change, which has led to massive changes in my lifestyle and made me much, much happier!
If you could have one item delivered to your home tomorrow, what would you choose?An original Eames RAR - no question!
Where have you visited that has most inspired you?
I think I would probably have to say my first visit to the London Design Festival. I suddenly realised there was a whole world of design, and lots of design geeks just like me! Before that, I didn't know anyone who could pick an Eames chair out of a line up!
And finally… please share a design secret with us…When I interview designers, I always ask them to share one piece of advice they would give to an aspiring designer. Some are very practical, some are quite profound, but the one I find myself coming back to again and again, was from two young designers who go by the name Home Slice.
They said: "If it’s midnight and you feel tired and want to go to bed but know you need to finish one more design, just make a cup of tea, have a Jammy Dodger and do another hour. It will be worth it the next day."
That advice is so often what gets me through my to-do list, that I should stick it above my desk!
Thanks again Katie!
I hope you've enjoyed this little insight into what inspires design blogger, Katie Treggiden, a little peek behind the scenes of the Interiors world!