Daydream Wallpaper
Daydream wallpaper is one of our most popular products on the site. It's a beautiful, whimsical print by Brooklyn-based illustrator Julia Rothman.
I love this print, it's so charming and really looks good in a big range of interiors. I'm always happy when someone orders it, because I know they're going to love the results. In fact, it's one of the products I often get thank you emails about, and people often send proud photographs of their lovely new rooms with the paper in situ.
I just got another picture recently, of the colourway with yellow birds and blue clouds used by a customer in their new house, so I thought I would share it here on the blog for you to enjoy too!

I love this print, it's so charming and really looks good in a big range of interiors. I'm always happy when someone orders it, because I know they're going to love the results. In fact, it's one of the products I often get thank you emails about, and people often send proud photographs of their lovely new rooms with the paper in situ.
I just got another picture recently, of the colourway with yellow birds and blue clouds used by a customer in their new house, so I thought I would share it here on the blog for you to enjoy too!